Future Generation Technology: Nokia 888

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Nokia 888

Nokia 888 Coming Soon
The Nokia 888 will be latest version in world of cell phone.Nokia 888 can fit on your body part at anyway.This is the phone which can change itself according to your wish during the day.
As I explain that this cellphone get changes it's body according to your wish and according to atmosphere near you. As this phone is world slim phone so you not have to wander by taking this phone in your hand and in pocket. You can carry it anywhere is any form such as roll, u pin and so on. Why not get look at function and changes of this cell .
This form of the Nokia 888 which get change as roll and you can wear it neck as necklace.And it's become as fit as you want. This change gives better idea about the Nokia 888 .Nokia 888 is a paper like mobile.The mobile is more flexible and can be bended into any shapes, we use the mobile as wrist watch also.Some other features of Nokia 888  include Recognition of speech,Flexible touch screen,Touch sensitive body.
Nokia 888 Specifications:
Connection in Nokia 888 : Communicator Concept
Weight : Ultralight Weight
Size : 5 mm Thickness
Antenna : In Built
Battery : Liquid
Display : Flexible Touch
Extra : Speech Recognize, Moves during incoming call, Unique Flexible Shell

Now see the Nokia 888 as hand belt. As you want to wear it in your hand then you can. You can wear it on your hand as hand belt & also watch the Incoming call.
Now Nokia 888 as your pocket pin. You can also use this phone as pocket pin.
Now comes the best change of the Nokia 888 for the lovers. As all boyfriend want that to say I love you to her girl friend on his cell phone. Now see this look of Nokia 888 you really get impress by this phone. Look Nokia 888 as I Love You.
And this way Nokia 888 get change it look as you want as atmosphere changes surrounding you as you seen above.

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